The culture of public word of women magazines from 1840 to 1970
Andreja Zubac
Članak donosi interdisciplinarni pogled na ženske časopise od 1840. do 1970. godine – najznačajnijega ženskog medija koji je utjecao na život žena na ovim prostorima. Odabrani vremenski okvir odrednica je najutjecajnije zajedničke ženske borbe za pravnu i stvarnu jednakost. Odnosno, odrednica je socioloških, političkih i kulturoloških okvira u kojima djeluju teme i čitatelj(ice) ovih časopisa. Cilj je istraživanja bio kvalitativnom metodom analize sadržaja analizirati pisanu riječ najutjecajnijih ženskih časopisa u svrhu dobivanja uvida u društveni, politički i kulturni život žena u odabranome vremenskom razdoblju. Rezultat istraživanja pokazao je da ženski časopisi određuju pravila ponašanja žena u društvu kroz poruku pisane riječi, da je promjenjivost strukture časopisa vidljiva kroz pisanu riječ, da pisana riječ u svim ženskim časopisima ističe tradicionalnu zadaću žene te da pisana riječ ženskih časopisa promiče kulturni napredak žene i potiče obrazovanje žene.
Ključne riječi: ženski časopisi, mediji, pisana riječ, kultura.
The article provides an interdisciplinary view on women’s magazines from 1840 to 1970 – the most important female medium that has affected the lives of women in these areas. The selected time frame is the most influential determinant of common woman combat for legal and real equality. That is, the determinant is sociological, political and cultural framework in which the theme and the readers of the magazine operate.The aim of the research was, by using the qualitative method of content analysis ,to analyze the written word of most influential women’s magazines to gain insight into the social, political and cultural life of women in the selected time period. The result of research has shown that women’s magazines define the rules of conduct of women in society through the message of the written word; that the volatility of the magazine’s structure is visible through the written word; that the written word in all the women’s magazines emphasizes the traditional role of women; that the written word of women’s magazines promotes cultural progress and the education of women.
Key words: women’s magazines, the media, written word, culture.
UDK/UDC 050-055.2:316.72
Pregledni rad / Review article
Primljeno/Received: 03.03.2016.
Broj bibliografske jedinice u predmetnom kazalu i kazalu autora: 275
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