Wallace, Linda 207, 25
– Kongresna knjižnica 223, 13-14; 482, 82
– PCC Task group (Program for Cooperative Cataloging) 482, 82
Web of Science 240, 53
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) 354, 66, 72
Web of Science Core Collection 354, 74
Webber, S. 338, 28
WebPAC 241, 72
Webster, Duane E. 169, 86
Weissman, H. 287, 47
Weller, M. 209, 57
Wildemuth, B. 293, 147
Willer, Mirna 20, 43
Wilson, T. D. 293, 141, 143
The wisdom hierarchy: representations of the DIKW hierarchy 438, 19
WKID hijerarhija 371, 154, 156
Wodak, Ruth 275, 72
– Aviso Relation ober Zeitung (novine) 292, 118
World Reputation Rankings List 354, 63
World Wide Web 241, 72; 69, 7-30
– knjižni fond 239, 40
– priručnici 294, 161-162
– repozitorij 239, 39, 42
– zbirke 239, 50
– zbirke ocjenskih radova 239, 39-49
WoS te Scholary Open Access 271, 19
WosCC 424, 283
„Wounded Libraries in Croatia“ (monografija) 8, 90
Wright, Frances 438, 20
WTO / World Trade Organisation 69, 23
Vidi: World Wide Web