Hidden treasure of the National and University Library in Zagreb : Hrvatski svjetozor (Croatian World Obsever), the first Croatian independent newspapers
Silvio Lebinac
Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu
U radu se razmatraju povijesni aspekti pojave i nestajanja prvih hrvatskih informativnih novina. Pod informativnim novinama podrazumijevaju se novine neovisne o utjecaju političkih stranaka ili vlade koje se orijentiraju na teme za koje se pretpostavlja da bi mogle zanimate čitatelje, a za koje novinari po struci i pišu i sudjeluju u uređivačkoj politici lista. Iznijeti su osnovni bibliografski podaci, opisan je izgledu lista te razmotrene rubrike, suradnici i položaj novinara (i književnika) te ideja osnivanja Hrvatskoga novinarskog društva. Istaknut je neobičan format lista te raspored, odabir i sadržaj odabranih rubrika u skupini vijesti te prelazak s tjednogs na mjesečno izlaženje, kojim zapravo ove novine prestaju izlaziti.
Ključne riječi: Hrvatski svjetozor, informativne novine
This paper deals with historical aspects of the first Croatian independent newspapers’ appearance and disappearance. The simple phrase “independent newspapers” means their being free of various political parties’ or government’s influence, as well as their being oriented to the themes interesting to readers. It also means their being written, edited and published by professional journalists. Main bibliographic data has been presented, the newspapers’ features and columns have been described, and the status of its collaborators, journalists and authors has been taken into consideration, as well as the idea of the foundation of Croatian journalists’ society. Stress has been laid not only on the unusual format of the newspapers, but also on the schedule and content of the columns chosen in the area of news. The switch of its being published weekly to its being published monthly means the cease of its publication.
Keyword: Hrvatski svjetozor (Croatian world observer), independent newspapers
UDK /UDC 379.8:070>(497.5)(091)
Pregledni rad / Review article
Primljeno/Received: 13.05.2016.
Broj bibliografske jedinice u predmetnom kazalu i kazalu autora: 292
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