Dragana Petrić
Narodna biblioteka „Veljko Petrović“ Bačka Palanka
Istorija čitalaštva i knjižarstva u Bačkoj Palanci započinje i razvija se paralelno sa nastankom i razvojem zanata i trgovine tri Palanke. Čitaonica je osnovana 1869. godine u Staroj Palanci (tada su Bačku Palanku činile: Stara, Nova i Nemačka Palanka) u vreme nastanka građanskog sloja u ekonomski solidno razvijenoj sredini. Kao posebno odeljenje izdvojilo se iz celokupnog fonda biblioteke 1982. godine i od tada je prošlo dug put od odeljenja koje samo prikuplja, obrađuje i čuva zavičajni bibliotečki materijal do promotera kulturno-istorijskih vrednosti bačkopalanačke sredine.
Prepoznajući kao prioritet zadovoljavanje potreba korisnika, uz činjenicu da usluge date jednom ne traju večno, već se modifikuju i menjaju u skladu sa potrebama zajednice, ovo odeljenje danas zauzima veoma važno mesto u radu biblioteke. Mesto pružanja usluga nije više samo fizički prostor biblioteke, a upućenost u prilike lokalne zajednice omogućeno je stalnim prisustvom u javnosti, gde se prate kulturna dešavanja, učestvuje u njima i inicira ih. Programi navedeni u radu (radionice, prezentacije, izložbe, sajmovi, časovi…) su ilustrativan primer efekata onoga što zovemo “živo” delovanje, gde je korisnik u središtu bibliotečkih usluga. S obzirom da su korisnici različitog profila (obrazovne strukture, interesovanje, kao i godine staraosti), oni su značajan izvor informacija i ideja koje koristimo da bi funkcionisali na pravi način. Uloga Zavičajnog odeljenja tako postaje višestruka: popularisanje knjige i znanja, podsticanje kreativnog dečjeg stvaralaštva, afirmacija društvenih vrednosti, prezentacija kulturnog i ostalog stvaralaštva. To je uticalo i na izmenjenu ulogu bibliotekara koji napušta pasivnu ulogu od “čuvara znanja” i postaje kreativni posrednik između obilja prikupljenih informacija i budućih korisnika.
Ključne riječi: Zavičajno odeljenje, programi, korisnici biblioteke
The history of reading and book selling in Backa Palanka starts and develops at the same time with the formation and development of crafts and trade of three Palankas. The reading room was founded in 1869 in Stara Palanka (at that time Backa Palanka consisted of Stara, Nova and German Palanka) at the time of the formation of the middle class in an economically well-developed environment. As a special department, it was separated from the entire library fund in 1982, and since then it has come a long way – from the department that only collects, processes and preserves the local heritage library material to the promoter of cultural and historical values of the Backa Palanka milieu. Recognizing as a priority the satisfaction of the users’ needs, with the fact that the services rendered once do not last forever, but are modified and changed in accordance with the needs of the community, today this department has a very important role in the work of the library. Services provided are no longer confined just to the library building itself, and the familiarity with the events of the local community is enabled through the constant presence in the public, where cultural events are followed, taken part in them, as well as initiated. The programs listed in the work (workshops, presentations, exhibitions, fairs, lessons …) are an illustrative example of the effects of what we call “live” activity, where the user is at the center of library services. Given that the users are of different profiles (educational profiles, interests, and age), they are a significant source of information and ideas that we use to function properly. The role of the Local heritage department thus becomes multifunctional: popularizing books and knowledge, encouraging child creativity, affirmation of social values, presentation of cultural and other creative work. This has also affected the changed role of the librarian who leaves the passive role of “guardians of knowledge” and becomes a creative middleman between the abundance of information gathered and future library users.
Keywords: Local heritage department, programs, library users
UDK /UDC 027.022(497.113)
Kategorija: Izlaganje sa znanstvenog skupa / Conference paper
Primljeno/Received: 08.02.2019.
Broj bibliografske jedinice u predmetnom kazalu i kazalu autora: 318
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