Native fund as part of the collection fund Homeland war of Slavonski Brod City library
Darija Mataić Agičić
Gradska knjižnica Slavonski Brod
Gradska knjižnica Slavonski Brod formirala je 2013. godine Zbirku Domovinskog rata. Razlog formiranja bio je: prikupiti, zaštiti i učiniti dostupnom knjižnu građu tematski vezanu uz Domovinski rat u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim naglaskom na građu o Slavonskom Brodu i Brodsko-posavskoj županiji. U uvodnom dijelu rada predstavljena je Zbirka Domovinskog rata, njezin značaj, put kojim se razvijala, načini planiranja i nabave građe, iskustva i rezultati proizašli iz formirane Zbirke te realizacija nekih novih iz Zbirke proizašlih projekata. Drugi dio rada prikazuje dio Zbirke koji se referira na ratna i poratna zbivanja na prostorima Brodskog Posavlja. U opisu dijela zavičajnog fonda Zbirke Domovinskog rata autorica pažnju posvećuje: vrsti zastupljenog autorstva, zastupljenim žanrovima, vrsti izdavaštva te iz Zbirke proizašloj novoj knjižnoj građi s temom Domovinskog rata. Radom predstavlja i kvantitativnu analiza fonda kao i udio i vrstu zastupljenosti lokalnih, zavičajnih autora i fenomena. Rad pokazuje vrijednost i opravdanost formirane Zbirke s naglaskom na njezinom zavičajnom dijelu kao svojevrsnom slavonskom, slavonskobrodskom ratnom pismu. Publiciranjem radova na ovu temu Zbirka bi dobila jakog javnog zagovarača knjižničnih usluga određenih mogućnošću istraživanja i valoriziranja ratnih događanja i njegovih posljedica na lokalnu zajednicu kroz jedinstveni pristup ukupno publiciranoj knjižnoj građi Zbirke.
Ključne riječi: Domovinski rat, Gradska knjižnica Slavonski Brod, Zbirka Domovinskog rata
In 2013, the Slavonski Brod City Library established the Homeland War Collection. The reason for the formation was: to collect, to protect and to make available the book material which is related to the Homeland War in Croatia thematically, with the special emphasis on the material about Slavonski Brod and Brodsko-Posavska County. The introductory part of the paper presents the Homeland War Collection, its significance, the way it was developed, the ways of planning and procurement of materials, experiences and results of the formation of the Collection and the implementation of some new projects from the Collection. The second part of the paper presents the part of the Collection that refers to war and post-war events in Brodsko Posavlje. In the description of the part of the homeland fund of the Homeland War Collection, the author pays attention to the type of authorship represented, the genres represented, the type of publishing, and the new book material on the Homeland War from the Collection. The paper presents a quantitative analysis of the fund as well as the share and type of representation of local, native authors and phenomena. The paper shows the value and justification of the formed Collection with an emphasis on its native part as a kind of war scripture about Slavonia and Slavonski Brod. By publishing papers on this topic, the Collection should gain a strong public advocate of library services determined by the possibility of researching and valorising war events and its consequences for the local community through a unique approach to the total published book material of the Collection.
Keywords: Homeland War, Slavonski Brod City Library, Homeland War Collection
UDK / UDC 027.52(497.542Slavonski Brod)
027.081(497.542Slavonski Brod)
Stručni rad / Professional paper
Primljeno/ Received: 15.10.2021.
Broj bibliografske jedinice u predmetnom kazalu i kazalu autora: 410
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